Sleep and Mental Health: Wellbeing with a Sleep Routine

Homeblogsleep and mental health wellbeing with a sleep routine

Cilliers Marais


Can you recall the last time you got a good night’s sleep? If so, can you count these occurrences with both hands? Good quality sleep can feel like a luxury when tending to work, social life, and technology demands. But shoving sleep under the covers negatively impacts your well-being. Particularly your mental and emotional health. Yes, there is a link between sleep and mental health. 

The best way to take control of your mental health is to set a consistent sleep routine. Not sure how? Don’t worry. At Kooi Beds, we value sleep and its essential benefits for your overall well-being. Read on as we tackle how sleep and mental health relate to one another. We also offer simple tips on establishing and maintaining a healthy sleep routine.

How Does Sleep and Mental Health Relate?

Simply put, sleep is a natural process that your body requires to reset. With each day’s events (big or small, good or bad), your brain is always keeping records. During sleep, it effectively stores these records to make room for the next day’s events. We can agree that properly storing or organising things requires time. The same applies to your body where sleep is concerned. You need good, uninterrupted sleep to restore your body, physically and mentally.

Not convinced yet? Most of us have a ‘junk’ drawer in our homes. But how enthusiastic are we to look for anything in that drawer? Let’s be honest, we hardly are. Just thinking about the unsorted items makes you sour, doesn’t it? When you don’t get enough sleep or your sleep is disrupted, your body doesn’t reset properly. This means the day’s records aren’t stored well. You pretty much have a ‘junk’ drawer in your brain. This leads to crankiness, low mood, and anxiousness throughout the day. Long-term sleep issues then lead to prolonged mental health conditions that affect your daily life drastically. These include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and even schizophrenia.

Benefits of a Regular Sleep Routine

An old-school alarm clock on a white bedside table. Getting a good nighttime routine is good for your sleep and mental health.
Setting up a good nighttime routine improves your sleep and mental health.

Creating an effective regular sleep routine can be a game-changer for your mental health. Here are some essential benefits:

  • Improved Mood and Reduced Stress Levels: A regular sleep pattern regulates hormones that influence your mood. Also, getting enough sleep allows your brain to manage stress and stabilise your emotions.
  • Enhanced Cognitive Function: Regulated sleep times promote attention, memory, and problem-solving processes. A well-rested brain is more efficient, enabling a sharper mind.
  • Lower Risk of Mental Disorders: Consistent quality sleep acts as a barrier to your brain against mental conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Steps to Establish a Healthy Sleep Routine

A nighttime routine is not just something YouTubers or influencers do. We are creatures of habit. A routine is essential for optimum body and brain function. But before establishing a routine, it is important to understand one thing. A healthy routine is not a long list of do’s and don’ts. Simple is best. Your routine should be a set of preferences that you commit to. You should be able to get back to it when life’s unpredictable events hit. Here are 5 actionable steps to help you get started:

1. Set a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Have a set time for you to go to bed and wake up. Seven days a week. As tempting as it is, try not to make weekends an exception. This regularity lets your body know when to calm down to fall asleep and when to energise to be awake.

2. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

There are several ways to signal your body that it’s time for some shut-eye. Taking a warm, soothing bath and/or reading a book can be effective.

3. Limit Screen Time

Be intentional in avoiding using digital devices at least an hour before bed. The blue light emitted by phones, tablets, and computers can disrupt your production of melatonin. This is the hormone that regulates sleep.

4. Enhance Your Bedroom

You must set an ambience that promotes tranquillity and sleep in your bedroom. Invest in a comfortable quality mattress, keep your room cool and dark and minimise noise.

5. Be Mindful of Your Diet and Exercise

Stay away from caffeine, alcohol and heavy meals close to bedtime. Although regular physical activity can promote better sleep, ensure it’s done at least a few hours before bed.

Sleep and Mental Health With Kooi

Good quality sleep is a necessity and not a luxury. Unlike your junk drawer, your body functions better when your brain is nicely organised. It helps to enhance your mood and overall quality of life. Our comfortable, supportive Kooi B-Series mattresses are essential to good sleep, paving the way for a healthier, happier mind. At Kooi Beds, we are committed to helping you find the perfect mattress that supports your sleep and mental health.